вторник, 14 апреля 2015 г.

14 House Members Sign On To Resolution To Block Net Neutrality

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While the telecom and broadband industries move to fight net neutrality in court, lawmakers — at least one of whom has received substantial financial backing by neutrality opponents — are moving forward with their plans to strike down the FCC’s new regulations. Yesterday, more than a dozen members of Congress all signed on to a new resolution that would block the new neutrality rules from taking effect.

After a federal agency like the FCC creates a new rule and publishes it in the Federal Record, the Congressional Review Act gives Congress 60 days to issue a joint resolution that “Congress disapproves the rule.”

If it garners enough support in the House, it can move on to expedited review in the Senate. However, the joint resolution would still be subject to Presidential veto, so this appears to be more partisan chest-thumping rather than any sort of viable response from neutrality opponents in the legislature.

Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia officially introduced the resolution [PDF] on Monday, and was joined by 13 other members of the House, most importantly Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia.

Goodlatte isn’t just the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, he’s also a friend to the telecom, cable, and electronics industry, which has funded him well. The list of top donors to his campaign committee and leadership PAC is a who’s who of these companies, like Comcast ($39,700), Cox ($29,500), National Cable & Telecommunications Association ($20,000), and AT&T ($20,000), among others. Goodlatte was also one of the lawmakers behind the failed and controversial Stop Online Piracy Act.

In fact, Rep. Goodlatte will be honored this evening in D.C. by the Consumer Electronics Association at its annual Digital Patriots dinner.

Also signing on to the resolution are Reps. Steve Chabot (OH), Lynn Westmoreland (GA), Glenn Grothman (WI), Bill Posey (FL), Rick Allen (GA), Ryan Zinke (MT), Barry Loudermilk (GA), Sam Johnson (TX), Dennis Ross (FL), Buddy Carter (GA) and Vern Buchanan (FL).

[via The Hill]

  • by Chris Morran

  • via


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